

Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end? when was eerie silence going to turn into laughter? They say things happen for a reason, so was corona virus for a reason?

For Eris, it was all for a reason. For her she wasn't going to dwell on the haunting negativity of corona virus.No, she wasn't. This to her is another life lesson she is experiencing.

Before corona Eris you could say was a lost soul. On the outside and to the world she was always viewed as the happy, carefree young girl. That wasn't the case. In other words she was living a fake created life. She didn't even know who she was anymore.

The staying at home has given her a chance to rediscover herself.she has realised the many mistakes she was making but never knew. She is slowly coming out of the facade of a life she had created.

Corona virus isn't all about death, it somehow a teaching.People are learning to stay at home, spending time with family. Teenagers are learning reconnect with their siblings,their parents. Drunkards are being sobber for once and making up for their lost time drinking. This is a chance for the world to come together as one people regardless of race, nationality, colour, status, age and fight against corona.

Corona has also taught us that no matter how rich you are or how poor you are or whether you are the president or prime minister or no matter how big your status is in the society by the end of the day we are the same.

Dante wasn't performing well in school His grades were not good at all. Slowly he was giving up. For him it was already too late to start working on his grade. But now that he has to stay at hone, he is realising how he had been wasting alot of time.Everday he now makes sure he studies all his his weak subjects and correct his wrongs. Now he has a new wave of confidence that he will be able to improve on his grades.

Sabrina always blamed her mother for everything. she was always rude to her and rarerly spend her time at home. Since the lock down Sabrina grudgingly stays at home. She has been forced to spend time with her mother and is slowly realising her mistakes. She is slowly getting to see all the sacrifices her mother had to make for her betterment. The bond between mother and daughter is slowly being rekindled.

This corona moment should not be used by just staying at home, watching TV, eating junk food, sleeping. Let it be a chance for one to realise him or herself. Where we went wrong and how to rectify the wrongs? When the lockdown is over face the world as a new better person. Get to appreciate even the little things in life.
All in all stay safe,#stay at home.