

The Dream of stones for becoming a Millionaire.


My dream is different from others. I want to become a millionaire not same like others to join a rat race like others are doing i.e., getting a job and by working for others to grow them. I want to become an entrepreneur . I know many are afraid of choosing this road because this road is not smooth same like the other roads. If someone choose this road then that person has to sacrifice, has to learn the ability to endure pain for long term , has to give his/her blood, sweat and tear in this path to grow. I have emotions I have a family to look after when my dad is retired. He surved me well, look after my financial but its also my duty to look after him and my family by looking after the financials of the family after his retirement. This road which I want to choose, the road is less taken by, the road which makes a person a millionaire is a less taken road because it has the highest risk and because most of the people want to play it safe so they choose the road of easy task, later it joins the rat race. But I am worried if my road of dreams don't give me success in future then I will have a life of others. When my mom and dad will be sick and I couldn't be able to afford the fees of the hospital. That day will be a nightmare for me. So should I look after all this and choose the easy road to get a job to play it safe or the road less traveled by of a millionaire with bearing the most of the risk of bankruptcy and unsucess?

Chapter 1 - (Reasons why we don't start. )

Out of crores of people in a country only thousands of people choose the road less travelled by and get succes later. And some just have bankruptcy and unsucess. It is very difficult for me to choose the road because I am a human not a robot I have emotions for my family and for my future. If I have a unsuccessful life of bankruptcy and no money in my hands then how can I take care of my family ? My dad always taught me to play it safe and have a job . Jobs true meaning is educated labours.
If you are educated from a top college or university they why do you work for others? What is the difference between an educated person and an uneducated person? I see no difference between these two persons becuase both of these two persons works for someone else who pays them because of their works. Maybe you are a doctor or an engineer or a civil servant or a daily wage worker in a factory who works for money. You both are a employee in a government sector or in a private sector. You work for them and they pay you by takeing your freedom, your value. If you work for yourself you are free to choose any decisions, no one can show you anger because you are not depend on them for money. For me freedom is most important than job because I want people to know who I am, I want to make my own fame. Why dont we play wise and make money work for us not we work for money. Some people say they don't care about money and they like their works, then why they work so hard to get a raise. Then why they take money at the last of month ?Why they can't say that they dont need money they like their work?. Every single person in this world needs money to buy their daily items. For a good life money is important among all. Also some people they say "money is evil" but for me "lack of money is the place where evil resides". We hear about bank robbery, murder for property, son killed dad because he declined son's request to give him money, etc. Its all because lack of money. Then why we don't try to understand the flow of cash to get financial freedom? the answer is people don't wanna take risk. People turns greedy once they see money. They want to buy the liabilities not assets.

Chapter 2 -(What are assets and liabilities every rich knows.)

Maximum people are confused between these two terms liabilities and assets. People are getting educated by books and books don't give you financial education. So Maximum percentage of educated people are financially illiterate. People just learn bookish knowledge and not the knowledge we can gain from life and money. Ultimately your neighbor, your friends, your family will remember about you by the amount of money you earn. Its the harsh truth of life, everyone has to accept this truth. I know people they were good students in their school, their college and in their university life also but as job opportunities are very less and in a country like India unemployed is very high so the person didn't get a job and at last he spend his life working in a tea stall and now no one remembers about him. In case if he was earning a millions then everyone would know about him and he would have a great personality in his society. This was an example to show you how harsh life is. If you earn a lot of money you are a noble person in your society.

So what is assest and liability? I will go to simple sentence so that you can understand easily.

Assest (passive income) - Puts money in your pocket. Its the extra income you earn without working for long hours. Assets are risky.
Examples - *Real Stae
*and other stuffs after your investment you can gain profit.
Assets are risky.

Liability - Takes money out of your pocket.
Examples - *Bank loans
* and all the other stuffs which takes your money out by fixing the objects or repareing or maintaince or by any reason.

The poor people mindset:-

The poor people just have expenses to look after. They are unable to save money to invest for future.

The middle class people mindset:-

The main problem of middle class people is that they think liabilities as their assests because they don't have the financial education . Example- Middle class people they buy stuffs like house or a new car with credit and think that the credit is their asset as it helped them to buy that item but later they are the persons who stucks in debts and they work all the day so that they can earn more money to pay the debt. Their monthly incomes are managed by the salary and they can't save enough money for future after their retirement. People in this class also invest their money in banks which is playing it safe and also the investment doesn't have much returns. The returns are so less that it is unable to match the expenses of that person. Some people also work after their retirement because they didn't save or invest earlier to spend after their retirement because they didn't have the financial knowledge.

The rich mindset:-

The rich are strong in financial education they know the difference between assests and liabilities. They grow their assets not liabilities. They avoid takeing loans so that they can't be stuck in debts. They invest their money in buying assets not liabilities and their monthly expenses are managed by their passive income or assests. Later in future the rich have millions of dollars in their accounts and they achive the financial freedom because their assets were growing from the past years. And when they reach the value they sell it for millions. They take retirement at an early age as they reach the financial freedom by their assets. Invesring money in assests like stocks or bonds or real state has a high risk. But as you know its a path less travelled by because of the risk, and other things that other people ignore and choose the smooth path. They buy liabilliabilities like house or car or anything with their passive income not their main income.
But the rich people buys luxary with their passive income not from main income.

Summary of the story:-

Its depends upon you wheather you want to play it safe and choose the smooth road i.e., take a job then buy house and a car, with no passive income. They be in debt and join the rat race or you will be wise enough and invest in assests so that in future they grow and can handle all your expenses. Its not easy, it takes long years to become a grow money with assests. You will spend a life time to become a millionaire with this plan. But no one can assure you that you will definitely get success. Its on you, how wise you can become in this platform. Be wise, and invest in buying assest not liabilities. Once your assest grow and you have gained millions then you can have a luxury life. Don't think safe. Remember Diamond comes from pressure.

© iamalfaz