

the story of future and now
Is the future preconceived, or does it change very frequently?

Answer the question by writing a story.

the future is preconceived and I think about it all the time .

its that I will get through and make it through another day and then the future happens, and I make it through another day.

I always change my plans or the time comes and I have options so I am always busy and doing something . I like to change my plans and have options of future events and known your future.

I never know at the time but I always try to or come up with plans and do them or wake up doing something or trying to not do something.

I just go through each moment not knowing the future or outcome and I just fly through the day it seems the next and I forget the present or remember what people say or do so I can do something later.

someone once told me that my future is good and that I will live long. I have lived through alot and am still living.

I don't mind living long as long as my future is living and my present is future and I dont have a past .

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