

I was in deeply thinking about some ongoing issues and failed to noticed m in the middle of the road with a careless attitude, suddenly when i back to my real sense found my wrist was empty, I wanted to know the time...but the watch was missing, felt somewhere in the middle of the road unknowingly it may have been dropped. But that beautiful red purse was with me...smiled and heaved a sigh of relief. Empty road with no vehicles seen so far. I was alone saw a man stood nearby a lamppost... slowly walked towards him to know if any autorickshaw or bus luckily I can get in this odd time . The man face was not seen ...it was covered with a scarf.. about colour was not sure it was not so visible...maybe brown or black...most of the street lights were hardly working... when asked him about the availability of vehicles only his red eyes popped out from his covered face...it seemed to me it was not safe for me to be here ... I walked fast to avoid any kind of danger ... and in hurry stumbled on the road ... my knees were badly wounded and started to bleed... sat on an empty street..unable to walk alone.. hoping for a miracle...a help... in the middle of the night but couldn't wait there anymore when my inner voice whispered it's not safe to be here at this moment...just run. I got the courage somehow to run unsteadily...and reached the right door luckily...with so much pain and drop of blood shed on that empty road proved... that night and the journey both were not at all easy.