

Tokyo's Story! Chapter 2
Chapter Two; Humble Beginnings:Tokyo's First Patrol!

Tokyo and Trunks stood in the time nest as Trunks held a scroll producing a dark energy. "Tokyo this is a time scroll- It holds history inside it- it's very very important...You see this energy it's producing? This means that history has been altered by Something- This time around it's at the time where Goku fought Raditz- It's completely messed up- and Tokyo-" Trunks paused handing the scroll to the Saiyan. "it's your job to handle this- The Nameikian man piccolo- You have to buy time for him- Raditz is the man with long hair- And you'll know who Goku is-" Tokyo held the scroll as his hand slightly shook then he nodded and disappeared in the light that sorrounded him.

Once Tokyo disappeared he appeared keeping himself hidden. "Alright- This is for protecting my world...I've never truly fought before- just trained by myself but- It was bound to happen sooner or later!" Tokyo thought to himself. Then suddenly a child's Voice was heard. "LEAVE MY DAD ALONE!" It was Goku's son Gohan yelling at Raditz for hurting Goku- The Little child flew at Raditz and tried to headbutt him but he dodged and held a ki blast towards the child. "NO WAIT!" Goku yelled out but..It was too late- Raditz had fired the blast and dust rose from the ground. "Now with that runt out of the way we can get back to b-" Raditz paused as his scouter began to beat. "Wh-What is this power!?-" He exclaimed as he turned around- And there stood Tokyo raising up from Gohan who he had managed to save and excape the blast with a couple scratches. "..." As usual silent- But he seemed more seirous them he usually was.

"Goku is this a friend of yours?" Piccolo asked looking over at Goku. "No- I've never seen him in my life- but I'm pretty sure he's someone we can trust..- He did save Gohan after all." Goku said as he stood up walking up beside Tokyo. "Alright let's finish this!" Tokyo nodded then then Him,Goku and Raditz began throwing punches as Piccolo charged his energy. Tokyo was falling behind from Goku but he continued to try and keep up- Goku then grabbed Raditz holding him in Place- Tokyo then looked at Piccolo. "SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!" A blast was launched blasting a hole through both Raditz and Goku killing them both. Afterwards Piccolo picked up Goku's son Gohan and looked around. "Where is that Saiyan..?" Piccolo asked himself. Meanwhile back at the time nest Tokyo stood with Trunks feeling exhausted but proud of himself. "You did great out there Tokyo- it's just like you've been doing it for a long time! I'm glad your alright-" Trunks said patting tokyo's back with a smile. Tokyo looked at Trunks and held a thumbs up as he smiled slightly. "Now Tokyo you rest up now cause you have lots more work to do my friend-" Trunks then walked towards the entrance of the time nest. "I'll be out- Just use that scroll when you're ready- I'll be notified and I'll help you through the mission." Tokyo nodded as his response and began to rest but after a while he grabbed the scroll and went to the scene

© SavDream