

Azmir was in my house 😧(Part 2)
When police saw the sketch of that man, They were surprised.
They knew that mysterious man could never be an old man.As per news, He might be quite young. So, Police thought that he might live as auto driver in this city and His new name was Azmir.
So Police left from the house And started to find the old man. The police caught the old man but that sketch man told that he was not the person because he took retired from his job.

So, The police again very confused How could find the mysterious man.

On The other hand, My uncle shams didn't talk with me. I tried to talk but he avoided.
Actually, My uncle age was 3 years bigger than me. I liked him very much. He always helped me a lot and specially in my study. But due to his avoidance I felt very uncomfortable.On the other hand, My broad exam of SSC would start After 2 months and I had to study a lot.My parents adviced to forget about this incident.

During 2 days, I studied very hard for my exam. I stayed in my room whole day. One night, I studied too much and my brain need a break.So I just went towards the window. I saw a beautiful moon in the sky. I felt very happy...Suddenly I saw that auto driver Azmir, Who wait for someone just front of the garden of the house.
I felt very afraid and though that he might come for killing me. But No, When I saw again outside the garden, He was not Here. I felt very scared and went to my parents. But They were not present in the house.My parent went for a party. They didn't come yet. So, I Went to my uncle room.But when I entered the room, I saw the most scare scene in my life. I saw that The autodriver Azmir was just front of my eyes. He told me"I HeLPed YoU, But You TeLL the police about me.
If I was Not aware of that time, I might be caught.My hard work will finish at a time.I never want to kill someone but I have to do."
I Started to cry and requested him that he should forgive me. I also asked "Why you steal the books....Isn't a silly work?
Azmir smiled and told me "Okay, You will die so You should know the reason. I didn't steal books I steal those book where A Map can find"

I asked"What was in that map?
Azmir smiled and gave a weird expression. " Now, You know more about that So Your time is over" replied and came slowly towards me. I ran a lot and tried to escape but He stabbed me with his knife on my back side. And........My Eye'S about to close....😧

To be continued 😧