

The Remains
The old, treasure chest lay exposed when the storm retreated. She looked upon the old dust covered chest that lay dormant in her grandfather's attic. Her grandfather was a peculiar man, he would often sneak off to the attic for hours on end.
This is what rose her curiosities as she sat in the vacant attic just staring at the chest. Everything inside her impulsive young mind said to open it, but still fear rose within her as she placed her hand on the lid. She pinched her eyes shut and grit her teeth as she quickly pulled on the lid only to find it locked.
"Hey, what do you think your doing up here?" a stern voice barked from the doorway.
"I'm sorry I was just-" She turned around beginning to nervously explain as her grandfather picked her up by the arms and began to shake her violently.
"Don't you ever come up here you hear?" he barked shaking her and dragging her out of the attic. "I been fixin' to put a lock on that attic, but until I do you stay far away from it ya hear? It ain't safe for you up there."
"I understand." she agreed looking down like a wounded mutt.
"I ain't mean ta yell at ya girl, I just don't want to see ya get hurt is all." Her grandfather explained.
They made their way down stairs and he settled into his worn old lazyboi recliner and flipped on NASCAR.
"I'm sorry." she said hugging her grandfather.
"Don't be sorry now, just don't do it again." he smiled hugging his granddaughter.

Later that evening as she sat at her grandfather's feet and he snored loudly from his chair something strange happened. She began to hear banging in the attic and she quickly turned to her grandfather who still lay dead asleep with the keys dangling off his finger tips. The banging persisted to get louder and she couldn't take it anymore.
Carefully she snatched the keys from her grandfather's hand and bolted up the stairs. The attic door sounded with a loud creak and she quickly looked around to be sure she was alone. The chest was only mere steps away but to her it felt like yards away. Careful not to not make too much noise she crept over to the chest and inserted the key into the rusted old lock. She held her breath as she cracked open the lid and the smell of rotting meat filled the air. She covered her nose feeling sick from the smell. She was filled with a mixture of horror and disgust as she peered inside the chest.
Inside the chest lie a long rotten corpse of a barely identifiable young girl. The girl in the chest her eyes were milky white and the flesh on her face curled back over her teeth. She backed away covering her face when she felt hands on her arms grabbing her.
"What did I tell you about being up here." her grandfather's weathered hands were still much stronger than her own as he shook her wildly. "You promised to stay out now look what you have done!!" He screamed.
He shook her and shook her until finally her small fragile young body couldn't take it anymore any everything went black.