

Princess of Arcadia
Selena pov

Ding, dong.

I ran downstairs with all the energy in my body , almost tripping by the way. Then I opened the door and saw my best friend, Taylor giving me a goofy smile.

" Hey Lena" she greeted .

" hey " I replied

" so are you ready for school "she asked.

" yep, let's go" I said leaving the house with my back pack hung around my shoulder.

Then we began our walk to school talking about random stuffs here and there until we reached hell aka school.

" Aaah finally we're in school" Taylor sighed and I just gave a look of disbelief, she loved school a lot , and I don't blame her for it .

" Yeah, what a joy" I said sarcastically.

" I know right?"

" I was being sassy, Tay" I said in an obvious tone.

" and you think I don't know that?" she asked and I shrugged.

Then the bell rang signifying that classes had started .

Taylor and I hugged goodbye as we both went to our different classes, because she had maths and I had geography class. ugh.

I was walking to my class when I bumped into a huge figure and fell down on the floor .

" oof "

" I'm so sorry miss" I heard a deep voice. I looked up and saw...

Who did she see? Vote and comment to find out

© Emma Walters