

Clouds in the sky are most peaceful place. Sometimes, we wish to be a cloud which visits every place of the world with freedom and happiness. It gives shelter from sunlight but it is full of water and a single blow of wind can spread it all around.
Parents are also like a cloud. They give comfort to their children and make them happy. Thay bear the burden of all responsibilities and burn in sunlight, work in cold without thinking about themselves.
A single blow of our rude behaviour break them. They spend their whole life for us and we don't give respect and time to them.
Actually, they are really like a cloud. Soft hearted, caring and loving but our behaviour is like a blow of wind which breaks a cloud. Clouds are made of water. Same as parents don't share any problem with us. They are full of patience. And like clouds, they also need to lighten their heart and eyes. Tears collected from many years need to come out like clouds need to give rain. And they will feel light...
Kindly give time, respect, love and smile to your parents🙂
© Laiba