

To the land of bizzare adventures..
On a lazy Sunday afternoon Safin, Thomas, and Bittu decided to escape the boredom and head out for a movie. Safin at 21, was in his success and freedom while 20-year-old Thomas was happily committed to his girlfriend, and 18-year-old Bittu was still navigating the ups and downs of student life.

Bittu the joker of the group cracked a grin as they exited the theater. You guys know why I love movies? Because they’re better than my math homework!

Thomas chuckled. You’re only saying that because you haven’t seen the bill from the cinema yet.

Safin laughed and nodded. Alright let’s head to the beach. I could use some fresh air after that popcorn overload.

As their bus travelled along the trio chatted about their plans for the evening. They noticed a sudden change in scenery as they approached the beach. Abandoned buildings appeared in the distance their windows shattered and walls crumbling. The atmosphere grew tense as the bus’s engine was stopping

This place gives me the creeps Bittu said glancing at the derelict structures. It looks like the setting of a really bad horror movie.

Safin said. Let’s not let it spoil our day. We’re just going to the beach after all.

When they stepped off the bus the sight before them was mysterious . The once-crowded beach was deserted with not a single soul or animal in sight. The sea was blank the waves absent.

Where is everyone? Thomas asked .

Bittu’s phone let out a sudden piercing noise causing him to wince. What’s that sound? It’s like my phone’s trying to communicate with aliens.

Safin’s phone buzzed with the same high-frequency sound and soon all their phones powered off. The beach grew darker the sky shifting suddenly.

Guys look at the sea! Thomas shouted.

They all turned to see the water receding dramatically as if pulled away by an invisible force. The beach was going back.

“Run! Safin commanded. We need to get to higher ground!

The three friends sprinted their breaths visible in the cooling air. They reached up a dune their hearts racing. As they looked back they saw the sea seemingly frozen, locked in place with no movement .

Breathing heavily Safin looked at his friends his face pale. Do you realize what’s happening? Nothing is moving except us.

Bittu still trying to make light of the situation despite the tension said Great. We’re in a sci-fi movie now. What’s next aliens?

Thomas his eyes scanning the surrounding shook his head. This is not a joke. We need to figure out what’s going on.

Suddenly the trio felt a chilling feel of wind and a faint unfamiliar hum in the distance.

Safin turned to his friends We need answers Now

As they stood frozen, trying to make sense of the surreal situation the sky darkened further and shadows stretch across the sand.

To be continued...