

The Best Competition In Life

Life is a competition, yes! It is a competition, but it is you who gets to decide who and what you want to compete with, most people decide to compete with other people, that is where they encounter a lot of problems because they don't know those people's stories, what those people do to stay alive, or where those people are going in life, everybody is on his/her separate journey.

The secret to creating the kind of life you dream about is by competing to become better than the person you were yesterday, when you learn from life's lessons and concentrate on learning from your failures instead of living in regret, living in regret is a total waste of time and energy that you are supposed to channel into doing other productive things that will make you a better person, you should learn from what caused you pain, forgive and heal yourself from the pain of the past and move on with your life.

The worst thing that can happen to you is when you conform yourself to believe that you can be stuck in a situation, it is just an illusion for the weak mind that can only free you when you learn to muster the strength to wiggle your way out of it, stop the self-pity party and explore life without fear, admitting and knowing your weakness is another way of self-defense, but when you feign strength even where you know you have absolutely no power or control over a situation, and not admitting that you need help (foolish pride), you always throw blames at everyone else except yourself and being resentful now becomes your new character (sadist).

Having the best life is not when you are living better than other people, the best life is when you find fulfillment within yourself, and you can never find that fulfillment when you are busy comparing your life with others, it will only cause you more pain and ungratefulness because there is always going to be people out there who have it better than you.

Try to stay in your lane and do your best to harness/manage the resources that God gave you, then concentrate on working on yourself to become a better person first, because better people attract better people, and better people attract better things, and better things lead to a quality life, that is the best way to "COMPETE AND WIN IN LIFE".

F.I.D libraries.