

Travis was the oldest son of the general who was in charge of the kings army and advisory even when three Years later his younger brother Cain Travis was not bothered because he knew he was to receive everything he ever wanted
according to the kings laws the first born son gets everything his father's current position education welfare the princess is to to handled to either the High priest or the generals first born son if they are unable to empress her she's to be offered to the prince of the neighboring palace or village
Travis was more than happy to learn that the High priest didn't have any male children only daughters since there was no more competition he knew he was the one for the princess who was born two years after Cain growing up Travis didn't have the charm or charisma that Cain had and when the princess would always visit Cain instead of him he was crushed until his mother came up with the idea of acompanying the two when the princess was out and about
on his eighteenth birthday he grew closer to the princess and his brother and with the help of his brother with appearance and sweet talk the princess was no match for she was very inlove with him he was write letters to her and be by her side everyday until it was time to go for military training where he was to become the new general he still had insecurities so he asked the king to allow his brother to be by his side
Travis excelled in his training he was the best he then decided to have fun with the High priest daughter who he assigned to look after the injured soldiers he later decided to secretly marry her since she was expecting his child until one day his brother Cain asked him if he can allow the princess to marry him Travis accepted he even ofered to help his brother write a letter to the princess for her hand
Travis was so happy Cain couldn't read or write if he knew he would have known Travis asked for the princess hand in marriage not Cain he wanted to keep both women
two years later his son daughter turned two Travis decided to leave the High priest daughter in his military camp house and head for his second marriage to the princess because she was now eighteen
a month later when the wedding preparations were underway he was confronted by the king about his marriage to the High priest daughter the king wanted to banish him but the High priest intervened so he was reduced to the lowest rank and that it would stay among the three of them Travis begged the king not to tell his brother anything and the king to allow his brother to marry the princess
A grand wedding was held for Cain and the princess once Cain was crowned the new king he gave his brother the position of general he never asked why Travis rank was lowered Travis lived his life dedicated to his brother and family he vowed to love and cherish his family