

Jealousy Is The Third Wheel.
Have you ever felt jealous of other couples? Have you ever felt being the third-wheel? If so, tell us your story.

I once went on a vacation with my best friend, his girlfriend and two other friends. Me and my best friend were thick as thieves and the girlfriend knew that we share a very special bond. The girlfriend and I also share a warm friendship. But it was the first time in so many years that I went on a vacation with them as a couple, where we'd spend 3-4 days together in one go. As excited as we were, little did I know that I'll come across many moments of truth dwindling my excitement.

I saw a different side to my friend...
- He was completely consumed by his girlfriend.
- They would talk to eachother for hours as if they had no company.
- His eyes would follow her around.
- If she got up, he would get up.
- If she was upset, he was upset.

As much as I love the two of them individually and as a couple too, I felt my special place in his life was being invaded. I felt left out. I felt I was being a pile on. I felt humiliated for the way I was being ignored, though unintentionally. And there came out my moment of truth. I was JEALOUS! Unable to comprehend my emotions, I simply packed my stuff and left without telling him.

I was too shocked with my new found feelings and was also hurt for being treated like a third wheel. So I gave them their privacy and the space they seeked, and I went back to my own little den.

When he asked me later, I cooked up some story of my sudden departure. Now we are back to being our old selves. But he is no longer my best friend.

Jealousy ruins relationships. But it also opens your eyes to reality. Sometimes we ought to do things to protect ourselves from being hurt. While I lost my best friend, I found myself in the process.

© Polkola

#jealousy #relationship #love #friendship #hurt #heartbreak