

The Lie That Worked
Title: The Lie That Worked

During Naina's exams, she unexpectedly became the head girl for just a few hours. Some naughty boys in her class were causing trouble by playing pen fights. Naina took away all the pens and gave them to the teacher. But then, the boys took some of her stuff. Naina had to decide what to do. She could fight with them, tell the teacher, or take their stuff in return.

She decided to take their stuff back. After a while, she noticed that her things, and even some of theirs, were with them. Feeling frustrated, she went to the teacher for help. Thankfully, the teacher promised to come in ten minutes.

When they returned, everything was back in its place. Naina felt annoyed and wanted to get back at the boys. So, she told the teacher that they took her expensive pen, even though she had it with her. The teacher scolded the boys and asked them to bring the pen the next day.

To Naina's surprise, the boys returned her pen. It turned out they hadn't taken it after all. But in the end, Naina's lie worked, and she got her pen back. She learned that sometimes, a little deception can lead to the right outcome.
© @Stutijaiswal