

The lazy girl
Once upon a time a father and his two young daughters were living together in a land far far away. one of the girls was very diligent and the other was very lazy.
The diligent one said; you barely help at all and I am exhausted.
The lazy girl said; oh no you are already doing the cleaning why should I get my hands dirty now. Their old father was a hardworking man, he was also tired the only meal they had was soup and some dry breads in the evenings.
One day the old man made a request of his daughters.
He said; my dear daughters you I know I love you both much and I have been thinking of getting a job. I need you people to take more responsibilities. I want both of you to find a job.
The diligent girl said; you are right daddy .I will find myself a job.
And what about you my daughter said their father.
The lazy girl said; my sister should get a job because you that she is hardworking while I will do all the house chores. The old man