

Dear diary,
I am a free Sprit, as I know we all are. We only need to find our inner Child from within.
It is my lifes Mission to make others unterstand there is a whole other universe excluding theres!
To live Life to the fullest, uncomfortability is a good thing(if it is for a drive to do better).
A Dream is just a Dream unless put into action.
Dont decide to live in your Dream of hell just because you get comfortable being there!
Get uncomfortable and drive yourself to create a new Dream.
A Dream to do better, envision yourself Happy, enjoying your career and loving yourself.
Keep that new Dream in your head and draw it up so you remember it. Then, start putting that new Dream into Action!
Always remember, there will be times in your journey when it gets difficult. Only, That is where uncomfortability returns, which is a good thing! Consider it a drive to continue on until you do finally reach your new grown Vision for yourself!
That is what a true Alcheimist is, always striving to improve & action instead of dreaming!
© Juli Reimer