

killed 5 lost none
i was one of the five to ever go places the others stayed home this was becuses it was to dangerin to go outside in the forest here it is filed with jerks
or kidnappers one parson per house or place was to go out at a time becuses it was that bad. but one day all broke lose and the rampage through the forest
started to truble. a few min's later only 4 of us where here in my room one of us was killed when the power went out. more time pasted we all sat one of us asked
where is my food and then boom are house fell to the ground of hell and we where all dead exspect me..... the house looked crushed even my mom and dad died i had to sarvive on my own
now i walked throught flaming streets of fire,watery mini floods,people even fighting........ (you tell me what happens next)