

Not A Story; Just A Rant!!
I'm tired of having to rely on someone who doesn't give a damn about me. I'm tired of someone who behaves like someone who needs another mom while acting like a teenager in the body of a man all at the same time plus being a father. I'm even more tired of what I deal with from your immediate family. I get told I'm arguing because I'm asking a question while frustrated. I'm beyond sick and tired of being strong sometimes because I can only cry for a second by letting the tears stain my cheeks and then wipe them away acting like everything is okay but it's really not okay. I'm tired of having a person as a partner who cares more about a new car because he's afraid I'll "scratch" it by bringing out our Son's carseat as I'll be needing it for something and then makes a huge scene in front of his parents and of course everyone sides with him. Instead of this being a happy almost years; sometimes it feels like utter hell. I do so much all day every day while all he has to do is work, do little things here and there and everyone goes oh leave him be he does so much. I'm like when?! What do you see me do all day? The irony is this mostly took place over wanting to take the car seat out and It's a "big issue." There's no communication or anything. Granted the first 3 years had ups and downs but that's why you're supposed to work through it together and not against each other. Sadly, I'm the only one who gets this. I'm literally just fed up and done.
#SorryForMyRant #ThisIsMyPlaceToBlowOffSteamInMyOwnAnonymousWay