

*Deception*: 1 Silent Disguise
"Faint beeps from the electronic bed", As he slowly opened his eyes. He raised his head to see where he was. "This is a hospital, what am I doing here" he said to himself as a nurse entered and rushed to his side "How do you feel now?, Do you remember anything?" asked, he sat up and tried to recall what happened "I...I think I don't remember anything, why am I here?" he asked the nurse, "Yesterday we had a call from an unknown person informing us about an explosion, we arrived there and we found your body" the nurse explained, "so....so where are my parents...." He asked in a low voice as the nurse sighs "we found only your body but the police are investigating more into the case on what caused the explosion and your parents bodies..." she replied, "no....no... Mama is alive, they can't be dead" he said in a low sobbing voice, "relax, they will find them soon, this news has spread quite fast so has earned government support" she said, "I need to find mom and dad, I need to get out of here", "no don't leave....you don't have a place to stay" whiles she said to herself (dumb kid, you don't even remember anything, I don't even know why they need you, but wait a little more, they'll come for you and I'll be paid a huge amount of money) "no..no..no!! I think this is a dream, I need water, please.." he said to the nurse, "okay, just relax while I'm gone" as she smiled to him and left. "I...I heard her...she didn't speak, but I heard her, I need to find mom, something isn't right" as he said and got out of the bed "ouch, I need some rest, but I need to get out of here first" as he looked around the room in search of his bag, he picked it up and opened the door slowly, "I need to change first" he said, as he asked one of the nurses for the way to the washroom, he entered the washroom and quickly changed into his casual clothes which was in his bag. He got out and asked a patient for the exit gate "It's southeast of here when you get to the ground floor", "thanks ma'am" as he hurried to the down floor, "southeast" as he turned and saw the exit. He went near the exit gate and saw that no child leaves the hospital alone without a guardian or parent. "Hm, who could help now" as he started looking for women who weren't accompanied by any child and went near one, "Hi... ma'am" he said to the stranger, "Oh...hello there" the woman replied, "Can I help you carry your luggage?" as he said smiling to the woman, "oh..haha, thanks kid, my guards will help", "wow, you have guards" as he asked in amazement "Yeah, what's your name", he knew that if he mentioned his real name he'd be caught so he made up a name "Umm....I'm Chris.." he replied, "Chris, nice name you've got there" the woman said to him "I'm Lynn" she continued, "Miss Lynn, nice meeting you" he said to the woman, "You seem in need of help, let's go outside and talk more" Miss Lynn said as he smiled to her and followed her out, as soon as they got out he sighed, "Chris, so what were you here for?" Miss Lynn asked, "oh...I umm..I came to check up on... something, yeah..." he lied, "I actually paid the bills of the child who was victim to the explosion, such a pity" as soon as Ian heard Miss Lynn say this he felt like telling her the truth (she might help if I tell her....no, this is not the right time) he said to himself, "Miss Lynn...?" He called "Yes Ian", "I would like you to help me now, at least some shelter for some days...please" he asked Miss Lynn smiling, "Madam, we're late for the meeting, we have to go" a guard informed her, "Alright, But take Ian home first I'll call the helicopter" she said to the guard, "Thanks ma'am" Ian said smiling to her, "No worries, oh...and pass by the shop to get him some clothes and food to eat, you might be exhausted, ha" she continued. "Hey kid, get in" the guard instructed. He quickly went in and rolled down the glass "Thanks again ma'am" he said to her again, "oh don't worry it's nothing, I'll see you home tonight" she replied, "okay ma'am" as the guard rolled up the glass from his side and they took off. "She seems cool, besides she must be rich and kind too, to just let me into her house, a stranger" he said as he sat near the window looking at the houses. (Now that I have shelter, I need to get more information, i need to find them) he said to himself as he closed his eyes and enjoyes the ride....

© Michael®