

Unspoken words

AS every student begin their journey with class 10. This year they will have board’s exam. In India Board exams are important rather than student’s life, it’s a nightmare for all student, every parents want to see their children in top. But no one really care about their feelings because they don’t take it has serious problem!

In life being teenager is the most difficult part for any human being but being teenager is also the most beautiful moments in life. Those first kiss, first meet and first date are very special feeling…..well lets read what new things Akansha experiences!
Next day in school Akansha was drawing a Pokémon character. Aarush was passing by and he saw Pikachu!
Aarush: Hey! Do you watch Pokémon?
Akansha: Yes! This Is My favourite CARTOON!
Aarush: YAAR, Me too.
Day by day Aarush and Akansha became good friends!
This time Akansha was serious with her studies, she made her mind clear that this she will her best!
One day Akansha was her home, as usually she wake up and she had her breakfast. Suddenly her phone starts ringing!! It was Ria! Ria was her best friend !
Akansha said Hello, ria! How are you doing? I’m doing pretty well! Ria, said. Me too, Ria said Akansha.
(WELL, AkanshaAND Ria READ IN SAME CLASS BUT IN DIFFERENT SECTION). Yaa tell me one thing who is Aarush? Said Ria! Who? Aarush? I don’t know!!Said Ahsuu. Hey don’t lie …I saw you and him together when I was passing by your class! Said Ria! O he is my classmate and sitting partner. That’s all!! Okay now I got to goo my mother is calling me! Bye said Akansha.
THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT (Ahsuu) has feeling for Aarush!