

Night of memories - Part 1
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.
Then, someone tapped my shoulder from the back and I noticed anyone was not there.
Then, I saw big ventilator which I can go through and found a screw driver in a rack of the hospital.
I removed the screws and I tried to escape and when I came out, there is a big maze.
I am confused with fear and ......
Suddenly, a bag of food and water appeared infront of me. Who? and Why? I thought.
Then, I tried too escape the maze. There is a line at the beginning I stepped out of it and there are some tricky traps in the maze........ I felt scared all the time.
While I am going found a chest full of treasure and pearls, precious diamonds. She tried to touch it and a vampire started attacking me... cuz it is night. "Divya don't glare at me, run for your life", said the, Vampire.
She started running and thought 'How did he know my name.......' She is very confused. Later, it is morning, the Vampire escaped. I rested for a while and contined. I noticed that someone was following me and I started hiding. When they came out for me I managed to attack them but, I stopped. Cuz, they are my friends. Why, are they here. They said the same thing happened to me. Then, we all started moving and got to the middle of the maze.