

Heather | Chapter 2: Are They Gone?
"get off me!", Hazel yells as she pushes me harshly to the side that I fall on my right arm. "Aww!!", I moan in pain. The ground is a bit damp and muddy. I can hear the sound of river flows very distinctly and I could smell the earth that brings serotonin to my brain. I brush my right arm that touches the ground, that's when I see a river on my right. Such a beautiful river with crystal clear water. The sunlight just flatters it even more, as if the stars have fallen into the water, shining from the bottom of the river to the surface of it. How wonderful. "Is mom and dad okay? Will we ever see them again?", The weak little voice of Freesia takes me back in the moment. Mom and dad. Is this real? Are they really gone? No, no. As beautiful as the crystal-like river is, I don't want this to be real. I don't want to believe that they're gone. Even if they, in fact, are gone. The thought makes my heart aches and my lips shiver. "Let's go. We can't stay here forever.", Cynthia said. Nobody seems to have anything to say. Which I understand.
I reach Freesia's hand and say, "come on, let's go. We'll talk about this later.", Hoping that she would understand. Thankfully, she doesn't ask any more questions. Though I can see her eyes holding back her tears. Something that I'm doing right now, and probably what my sisters are doing as well.

© Thalia Noya