

INSANITY (part two)
chapter 2 :1936

after the years he spent there he was finally ready to make his escape. The man I speak of has the name of Jeremiah Reed. being stuck at the Daniel Institute for sixteen years would already break a man but one that was broken years before. a much different effect. but nevertheless he was ready to leave. he had memorized every guards path and schedule. every door in the cursed place. he readied for the run of his life. and started at exactly 11:30 one of the guards almost sees him but just misses him. and the guard regretted it... the next morning five bodies were found in the laundry room all missing their eyes on the wall was fresh blood stating "DO NOT COME FOR ME!" he was gone long gone the entire state went after him. and found traces, came close but never caught him. except for one officer, officer Leon was the one who got the closest he pinned Reed two the ground but looked away to call for backup and felt the sharp thud of a toaster meet his skull. by the time the cops showed up he was gone and so was Reed.

chapter 3 coming soon...
© MD