

There is only two people who can understand who am I truly is..
There are only two places i reach when I'm Happy or Sad..
One is God who made me..
The other is you, my twin soul..
People mind changes and we cannot be the change..
One cannot be the man's puppet..
Nor cannot live to his will.
This is life of ups and downs..
I scream inside silently,
but I stay still in God and with the love I have..
We just need to live with faith, hope, love and happiness in our hearts..
No one stays with us,
Nothing is permanent with us,
Every phase is temporary..
So we have nothing to worry..
A good intension and
A good wish is always has it's own way to fulfill..
Making positive thoughts as my best friend..
Sticking to dreams as my passion..
I Live my life selflessly with love and tranquility..
© Hana