

Teenage Pipedream
!TW! : This is not a children's story. There will be cursing and adult themes so read at your own risk.

Chapter one : Pregnant with Infertility

"Wait, stop, I can't—I can't." The creaks and moans of the bed stopped along with the ones coming from the two in it. He watched her in silence for a few moments, her face contorted in pain and writhing under him "Shit, Just pull out dude," He complied, but with a sigh in protest as he rolled from over her and onto his back, sweat connecting his skin with the sheets. uncomfortable silence filled the room until he finally spoke up "Are you okay?"

The question felt foreign on his tongue.Neither of them were into intimacy at all but he felt a strange sense of guilt in the pit of his stomach. He didn't like that one bit. "Yeah I just need a breather," She sat up and winced. In doing so, sucking in a deep breath— he began to protest but was shut down just as fast "Don't." A finger raised to his lips with a few seconds of uneasy staring and her lips curled up into a smile.As soon as she had stopped she was back, straddling him with raised hips and lidded eyes "S-shit." Slowly taking him back in with a groan.

He watched her with a weary expression but nonetheless didn't stop her movements. Her eyes closed and eyebrows knitted together as she keened when she picked up the pace with shallow thrusts down; "Fuck, please—" She squeaked and put her palm over her mouth, tears bubbling up in her eyes from everything but pleasure. He knew what she was going to say next 'Fuck, please stop' and that's what he did, with a firm grab of her waist "Stop."

His intense glare was met with soft wet eyes that leaked onto cool pale cheeks. "Why are you doing this," He asked with a stoic expression, hiding the anxious thoughts deep within his mind. "What?" "Don't what me, you know what I'm talking about, " She looks as if she was just struck across the face, sheer mortification written over her features.It could and was considered Intimacy to worry over another but that was a thought for deeper inspections later.
"Get off of me,Talia."

She would gnaw on her bottom lip, watching her partner pull his belt through the loops of his jeans. "Is that it?" Talia blurted after seeing him ruffle his hair and reach for his shirt that was limp against her bedroom carpet. "You're leaving just cuz' I was crying?! I'm not a fucking baby, Dakota–" "You still want to deny it, huh?" His low but soothing voice spoke above her brash one; shooting her an icy gaze before walking towards the side of the bed with her on it. She would swallow hard keeping her eyes locked with his as he closed the distance.Slowly, until their noses were almost touching "Once you get yourself together give me a call." Her angry facade visibly cracking into a more raw, mournful look "Until then, keep your legs closed."

"Get the fuck out" She murmured with her head down, teeth clenche. Dakota raised an eyebrow, wondering if he had gone too far, if he did think that he didn't show it on his face. "What?" He stared at her shaking figure for a moment, a frown showing his distaste for the behavior. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT, ASSHOLE" Talia screamed. A blood curdling scream. Her cheeks painted red at the immense use of oxygen to screech at such high velocity. She gave a rough push to his chest which ended in Dakota landing hard onto the floor, a look of bewilderment painted on his features. Talia didn't let up, still yelling and kicking at the boy, absolutely seething with Unadulterated rage.

Dakota took the hint.The hint being his car keys being thrown at his face. He hadn't seen Talia go into one of her rampages in a minute and he couldn't deny how scary she looked during them. Deciding that leaving was the best idea, sliding into his sneakers and making a break to the window since he came; looking back at the girl still in only her bra. Talia had the half empty whiskey bottle in her hands, watching him and catching her breathe ready to throw the bottle if he even made a sound she didn't like. Dakota had an obvious distaste for such childish behavior, but it also made him worry for her mental state as well. Exiting her window, but without not looking back to see Talia's tear stained face as a goodbye gift.

"World-fucking-class night, 'Kota" He said once out of the earshot of Talia, jumping off her roof and onto the trampoline with a grunt. Dakota walked through her yard, hopping her fence and wandering into her neighborhood's empty street with a melancholy hum.
