

Great Lady episode 14
Uncle Hanyong entered the prince's cottage.
I missed you a lot. Thank God, you're safe.
said, king.
Thanks, Majesty you're a humble person.
said Hanyong
king says:
"uncle you don't need to be official after my father's death you not only protect me but also treated me like a son. I never felt alone when I was with you. I'm lucky you're still with me."
Uncle Hanyong you're buttering me.
Nanyang and king laugh loudly.
Nanyong says:
"your highness I'm worried about father. Because everyone believes that my father betrayed the late king. As you know it was a trap to keep away my father from the late king. So that they can easily betray late king"
King says:
"I know uncle Hanyong was army general. He did his duty honestly. But due to some nasty and clever minds uncle, Hanyong reputation was destroyed. My father late king took away the military charge from uncle. But I know I will prove uncle's innocence. The criminals will be on the death penalty"
Thank you king I'm grateful to you.
said Nanyong.
In Meanwhile
Defense Minister entered greets the king.
I am happy that I met my brother Hanyong after a long time. It happened because of your majesty.

King smiles and says: It happened because of all of you. you supported me.
Majesty there is an important message.
said King's official.
come in official what news you brought?
Your Majesty
said, officials
King of Hamylia sent a letter
King opened the letter. Then he speaks so they wanna fight.
Today is an important meeting to deliver my message to all ministers and officials.
said, King
The next day, the meeting starts king is sitting on thorns.
One by one all ministers represent their ideas before the king.
some said we should close the door of the city. our royal guards in the city will protect us.
Su le was also there she moves forward majesty allow me to speak. can I say something?
King says:
yes, su le you have permission to say what do you want to say?
Thanks to your majesty. According to my experience, we should fight outside the city. In this way, not only our city but also people will remain safe. Moreover, we should increase security at the back of the palace. There are chances they will betray us. They can attack from both sides. If we will keep soldiers on the front side, they can take benefits. we should provide food, instruments on the border first. From now on stop trading don't allow any traders to move outside the city. Take control of all food markets and medicines. so in this way, we can not face a shortage of medicine and food. At the last, we should select one person from each family who will fight for his country.
It was that I wanna say.

All ministers were amazed.
The girl is incredibly smart.
King said:
"I like your plan su le. The Minister of defense
provides food, medicine, instruments on the border."
Food minister
"Take control of the food and medicines market."
General Yui
"Give order to soldiers to be ready for war. war can start at any time."
Nanyong :
you'll select one member from each family who can fight in the war.
Uncle Hanyong:
will protect the city during the war.
su le:
"Make city protection chart "
All says :

Oo kay your Majesty
King says:
It's urgent. There's no room for mistake. keep it in mind.
All bowed and says we will obey your command.
To be continued.....
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