

The Soul Last Part
The next day I went to the Kitchen and wrote in my Kitchen's mirror 'Who are you??What do you want??' with a red paint. THE SOUL replied 'I want to kill you and your family'. I got scared and called my sister. She was also shocked when she read it. I told her something is going to happen now. The time I said this my brother screamed from the living room and said 'Dad come here'. We ran and went to the living room.I said 'What happend?Why are you screaming?'. My brother replied 'I saw a ghost in my room!Please help me'. My Father Checked in his room and said 'No one is there in your room, No need to worry'. My brother said 'No Dad, I saw someone in my room! She was a lady'.

My Mother asked my Brother 'What she was doing in your room?'.My brother replied 'I don't know anything! I just saw her going in my closet!'. I said 'Mom we have to shift somewhere to some other house!This is getting dangerous!' My sister replied 'Yes mom! We have to go somewhere!'. My Mother replied 'The priests said that she is not going to leave us!'. We were all shocked. And I sadly gone upstairs to my room and I read 'I am never going to leave your family and you' in my bedrooms mirror. I wrote 'Tell me what do you want from us?' with red paint.

The Soul replied me 'I want your Family and you to be dead!' with red blood. But then I didn't answer anything. I tolded my bestfriend Alice about it but she didn't trust me at all. She told that there is nothing like Ghost's. I didn't told anything more about it to her because it was useless!. When I was sleeping at night I could her sounds from my private garden. I saw That My Whole Family Was Dead!

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