

not repeating same mistakes again
If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? Write a story on it.

if I could change one thing in my life that would be giving importance to other persons rather then me and after that getting hurt from them, and overthinking of that mistake only. I want to change this thing permanently that I give more importance to other, rather then what they actually deserve. And it hurts me alot after not getting same response from other side. This world is so mean, people make friends for their benefit and when there benefit over they just left them broken and alone.
this always happens with me. I give my whole heart to others and they use it just like pice of paper and when it become useless they throw it. people are not paper, they have feelings bit who cares about it.
we start loving someone more then us, when we start giving importance to other person more then us,
then they stop loving us, because they love the person who love her self and not change for other but that not happen with me and every time I remain alone just because when I love someone I just try to be that dream person they see rather then excepting my self as I am. when they leave then I understand how much I changed, what the he'll I become, for getting importance I just loose my self respect which hurts in the end.
and that's the thing I want to change.
Not overthinking, not loving someone more then they actually deserve, not loosing my self respect just to get some ones love. I love my self, my love is enough for me.
I don't want to beg love from others to be happy, I am happy with my self.
© tulsi parwal