

The Way I Miss You -01-
|This is a story about Ada and her blog posts about the way she misses Railey, the love that she has lost...|


Do you remember the very first phone call that we had? It was when I transferred school because our home wasn't going well financially. I had to transfer to a public high school near our house.

It was the first time we had to be away from each other for so long after being classmates since first grade. Cell phones weren't popular then so I had to borrow the landline from our relative who owns a store.

It took us almost 3 hours talking on the phone. I asked you about everything I could think of. How you spent your summer. What you ate for lunch. If you had fun playing with your cousins when you spent your vacation in your dad's province.

I kept thinking about things to ask you because I still don't want to hang up the phone. Because your voice in my ear made me feel that you're so near. Because I want to keep hearing you speaking. When all I really want to say was that I missed you so much all through summer break. And that I would miss you more when school starts because we won't be classmates anymore.

You voice sounded so different on the phone it made me laugh. Or maybe that laughter was because of my heart fluttering as I hear your voice so near in my ear, as if you were whispering.

You told me to make many good friends when school starts. I said I was confident in making friends and told you not to be too sad without me. You just laughed it off.

Did you know? I was so nervous going to a strange school without you. Of meeting new friends that don't know you.

But hearing your voice made me feel at ease. You told me that everytime that I will miss you again in the future, I can always call you. You even promised you'll never change that number forever. So I could always reach you anytime. No matter what.

That day, I realized that telephones were invented for this. I believed that telephones were invented for you and me. So that anytime I want to hear your voice, I could reach you. Anytime. All the time that I will miss you.

If not for my cousin interrupting and nagging me about the phone bill, and my mom calling me for dinner, I would never let go of that handle. I would never end that call.

Did you know? I still memorize your house's old number until now. I remember it by heart.
I know that the telephone company you used before was already absorbed by a telecommunications giant a long time ago. But today, I tried to call that number again. Because I miss you so much. Because I want to hear your voice again.

And as I dialed that number, my heart was beating so loud. Just like it always have. Everytime. Anticipating. Waiting to hear you say "hello" whenever you answer my call.

"Your number cannot be completed and dialed... please check the number and dial again... "

As expected, my call won't connect. My call won't connect to you... ever again.