

eating leftover ( Basi )roti with milk in the morning.
eating Basi Roti with milk
benefits of eating Basi Roti with milk according to Ayurveda in the morning.

if we have some leftover roti of night we just throw it away in the waste or give it to our pet animals but we should not do this things we should eat the leftover Roti to our selfswing below they are given sum results if you eat Basi roti in the morning.

1) no diabetes:it reduces diabetes in 2 or 3 months if you keep eating Basi Roti with milk.
2) control blood pressure:it control your blood pressure.
3)fat loss: it will loss your weight if you eat Basi Roti with milk in the morning.
4) good digestion:it will digestion of food in your tummy very well if you eat Basi Roti with milk in the morning you have no constipation.
5) body cool:it will give you cooling in the body.

eat Basi Roti with milk in the morning first divide the roti in many pieces and pour some milk in a bowl and then add the pieces of Roti in the bowl and eat with a spoon.