

Deep knowledge. !! Rat, tortoise, and scorpion !!
* Deep knowledge. !! Rat, tortoise, and scorpion !!

A river is "flooded", water is filled in a small island,

The "straightforward one" living there says to a "mouse" - "tortoise" friend "can you get me" across the river "???
My "bill is filled with water" ??

The "tortoise" agrees ... and - makes the "rat" sit on its "back".

That's why - even a "scorpion", comes out of the bill, ... and says: - Me too, have to go "across" me too, take me.

"Rat" said - Do not sit ..... it is "poisonous" ..... it will "bite" me.

Only then, sensing the beauty of time…
"Scorpion" by "swearing" with great "humility" .... "displaying love", says brother - "I will not" swear by "swear" ... just - take me, too. "

"Tortoise" - takes "rat and scorpion", "floats".

Only then - in the "middle way" - "scorpion" takes "rat" - "bites".

"Rat" - "Screaming" speaks to the turtle: - "Friend" - it "bitten me" ....
Now - I will not "save". "

  After a while - that "scorpion" - "tortoise", also "stung".
The "tortoise was forced" ....
By the time the shore reached, "the rat was dead".

Tortoise said: - I was "compelled" from "humanity".
You - "Don't drown in the middle" but - "Why" you "cut me" ??

* "Scorpion", getting off his back, said while going: - "Stupid" .... You don't know ....? Mer l So - "Religion" is the same: - "Sting", even if "Someone" ,Ho???"*

  * The mistake is "yours" ..... Joe - "You" believed in me .... *?

  * In the same way: - In this "flood" of "Corona" - "The power of the country has also," to "cross the river" - "Some scorpions" - "Sit" on the "back". *

* "They are" - "constantly" ... "stinging" ..... and - "government" - "for the sake of" humanity "...." forced ".... *.

  * Consequently: - Poor "innocent" - doctors ..., police ..., and ... "health workers" are "dying" ... *

#knowledge, #story,