

Be grateful for bagels today.

For the bagels you have eaten. For the bagels you will eat in the future. For the bagels you could enjoy if you chose to enjoy a bagel.

Offer a bagel to the beggar, even if only in your mind.

Be grateful to the maker of bagels. Be grateful for the ingredients in bagels.

Relish in the fact that bagels can be delivered. Stored on shelves and in groceries around the world.

Be grateful for the coffee that can accompany bagels and the love you shared when you bought your last bagel.

And if the list of things could go on and on for a simple bagel, multiply that gratitude a thousand times for the course of events and the source of life that led to this day.

Gratitude is the key to your abundance. Gratitude is the way we express wonder and amazement, with not only what we have been given, but with the possibility of everything that may be.

Life is for you. Life is for everyone.

And just as the end of each day sees thousands of bagels discarded or fed to birds, there is enough of life to go around.

It is not that one has to lose for you to gain. It is not that you have to lose for another to gain. If you believe it, we are in heaven right now. At the least, we are in a world of many signs and wonders.

You can learn a lot from a bagel.