

cursed part 9
Jackie was finally asleep and Matt said "we need to talk." we walked deep inside the woods. I sat down on the grass and looked down. I almost started crying but I tried to stay strong. "what did you want to talk about?" I asked. Matt sat next to me and started to cry. "I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry. I couldn't protect you and I'm ashamed of myself for not being able too." Matt said crying on my solder. I started crying with him. "don't feel that way baby. It wasn't your fault." I said hugging him tightly. We feel asleep together in the woods. Out of nowhere we heard Jackie screaming like crazy. Matt and I went running to her as fast as we could. When we got there we saw a bear attacking Jackie. Matt ran to her grabbing the first thing he saw. I went to look for some help but I couldn't find any. I ran back to are camp out to check if they were ok. When I got there I saw my grandfather shotting the bear. I saw Matt and Jackie on the ground. Matt was on top of Jackie. I think he acted like a shield for her. Matt had a bear claw mark on his back. The claw mark where so deep that he might not survive. I looked at grandfather and he killed the bear. I looked into the bears eyes and I saw the bear suffering. I helped grandfather take Matt and Jackie to the cave. When we got there all the guards where dead. Jackie was better she just had to sleep it off but Matt was so bad that grandfather had to do surgery on Matt. When Matt's surgery over he had a fever. I can't take it if he dies. "Matt I promise you that I'll follow you to death."

© Sammy Ayala