

Hand Stamp Story
Years ago, a friend of mine called me up to get ready for a night out at a club near the beach. He mentioned that the admission before 9pm is free and we should get our hand stamped. But he called me like after 8:30pm. I'm like 15 to 20 minutes to the beach. He drove fast to pick me up. As I was dashing out the door, I yelled out to my Mom that I'm going to the club to... get a hand stamp. When we got to the club, we made it just in time before 9pm. Later, my other friends joined us. They were laughing at me and said that my Mom told them to tell me, "Don't bring home any pets." I asked them why my Mom told them that. But they kept laughing and laughing.
I asked my Mom the next morning what she meant. She told me that my friends called the house asking for me. And she told them that I went to the club to get a... Hamster.
My mom didn't hear the last word I said when I rushed out the door. Now I know why my friends were laughing.
© Jerse95