

Blood & Wings
Blood & Wings

First chapter

I sat down on the edge of a cliff and looked up at the night sky. The stars were bright in the night sky and I could see the milky way, pointing north to west. Out in the distance I could hear something that sounded like something was beating in the air, coming from the south. I looked at the source of where the sound was coming from and saw two silhouettes of huge bodies with wings flying in the sky. I then figured that it was dragons because they were bigger than bird's.
As if one could sense me watching them, one's head bent down, looking at the forest ground. One of the dragons swerved down to the ground and the other dragon followed the other dragon. Trees snapped from the impact of their bodies as they landed a couple yards from where I was sitting at.
The sound of snapping bones was heard as the dragon's started to shift. In the dragon's place where two male humanoid beings were standing in all their glory nude. I felt a blush creep up my neck to my cheeks and I quickly turned back around facing the cliff. I then heard the sounds of snapping twigs and the crunch of leaves as the sound of clomping feet, coming near me.

Liam POV:
I was soaring in the air, just below the clouds. Enjoying the feeling of the wind ripping past my body. My twin brother, Leon, was flying besides me on my left side. His dragon was black while mine was gray. I then smelt an intoxicating scent, but it was faint. Caramel and Japanese cherry blossoms, which are my favorite scents in the whole wide world. I looked around and saw a tiny figure, down on the forest floor, looking up at us. I mind linked to Leon.
'Hey, Leon, do you smell that scent, as well?' I asked him.
'Definitely. It smells so good.' he replied through our mind link.
My dragon was screaming in my head 'mate' and I'm sure my shock was mirrored on Leon's face. 'drake is telling me that the little person is our mate. Leon.' I explained to him
'Lynox is saying the same thing. You know what that means, Liam?' He asked excitedly, it was more of a statement than a question though.
I replied back. 'It's about fucken' time we found our mate. Let's go meet her.' he demanded and he swooped down to the ground, I followed suit. Trees snapped and broke off from the weight of our bodies. When we landed, we shifted into our human forms. Bones were snapping as we shifted.
The scent was strong and I started to walk towards the scent. I see the person, who was sitting at the edge of the cliff that was looking at me and Leo who had followed me. As we made eye contact. I stood still like a statue. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her snow white, waist length, hair, blew in the soft wind and her skin was pale as the moonlight and was so smooth. I just wanted to explore every aspect of her body. To know all her desires and keep her safe from the world. "MATE!!" me and leon yelled in unison and ran to her.
As she saw us running towards her, she got scared and jumped off the cliff. That scared me more than us scaring her. She may have ran because we were nude. That is the only explanation why she ran.
We stopped at the edge of the cliff and looked over. We could see her hopping from branch to branch. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. knowing that she didn't get hurt was a relief.
"Did you see her eyes brother?" Leon asked me.
"I did. They were the color of blood." I mumbled to him. lost in my own thoughts as to who is she? Why did she run off like that? "Leon, we should chase after her." I asked him.
"I think so as well, Liam." he said, agreeing with me. I hear bones snapping, I turned towards him. watching him shift into his dragon form.
I decided to do the same. Feeling my body shift into my dragon form and jumped off the cliff. I spread my wings and soared through the air. Following the scent of our mate.

White POV:
I didn't know what to do, I mean, when those guys screamed "mate" I didn't know what to do and I ran off. I was not expecting those guys to scream "mate". My life was so simple before those guys came into my life. Flipping my world upside down, it sucks.
I quickly jumped off the cliff, towards the trees below. I held out my arms and hands so that I could grab onto the nearest branch. My hands got scraped by bark when I was falling, but I finally latched onto a thick branch and hoisted myself onto the branch. I then jumped from one branch to another branch and kept on going. I was heading to a crystal, clear lake, in a clearing of the forest.
I jumped onto the last branch that was close to the lake and jumped off the branch and into the water by twisting my body so that I dive into the water.
I was hoping those boys would never find me again, but I knew it was a feeble wish. My eyes and the top of my head was out of the water and the rest of my body was in the water. I waited for them to arrive. There was a baby ice dragon on top of the water just looking at me curiously, but I just ignored her.

Leon POV:
I didn’t expect to find my mate out here in the forest. She is the most beautiful woman I ever saw. I could tell she was ours the second I laid my eyes upon her. Her waist-long white, silky hair blew into the wind as the wind blew past her. Her pale skin shown in the bright moonlight making her glow and her bright red doe-like eyes was beyond beautiful. Damn, fuck. There are no words to say about her. I was shocked to the bones when she jumped off the cliff without hesitation. I can tell she is a fearless girl, but the shock and frightened expression that formed on her face was another story completely.
When we arrived at a crystal clear lake, where we followed the scent of our mate. We were not expecting to see a baby ice dragon looking down at our mate. Our mate was being silly as we can only see the upper part of her head above the water.

Second chapter

Liam POV:
We flew down and shifted back into our human forms, still butt naked as we walked up to the lakes edge. The baby dragon’s scales were a mix of baby blues and whites. Her wings were clear like glass, but I could tell the wings were made out of ice. It was like the creature was an ice sculpture. I had never seen a dragon like it before. It was incredible to look at.
When our mate spotted us in all our glory naked selves, she ducked under the water. Our little mate was a shy one indeed making me put on a smirk. I looked at my twin brother with a smirk and he had the same smirk as I did. “Our little mate is a cutie, don’t you think so twin bro?” I asked leon. “Definitely a cutie” he said, agreeing with me
“I heard that.” she said a bit defensive towards us.
“We intended for you to hear us, darling.” I said to her and from where I stand, I could see her pupils neared like a cat's eyes and she looked irritated.
“Don’t call me darling.” she said, letting out a low growl.