

The real question is not how to stop Coronavirus from entering your body. We all know that. The real question is how to stop this virus from going in your mind! 24 hours everyone is talking only about this, thinking about this, watching news about this, Reading about this, listening to this, and a simple thing about the mind is said - 'Garbage In and Garbage Out'. That is, if there is waste inside the mind, then it will be out. So why we have filled our mind with this virus. As far as body is concerned, we have no choice. Why no Vaccine has been made yet. But in the case of mind, we have a choice. So why should an information be inserted inside the mind that gives a new direction to your mind. Some books can be read, some videos can be seen. A lot can be done. Now the choice is completely in your hands, what will you do for the next 21 days? Will you just keep thinking about this Virus? Is anything going to happen to him? Is that going to change the situation? If the answer is 'Yes' then it doesn't matter, keep thinking ... If the answer is 'No' then think of something that will give our life a better direction. Which will bring a meaningful change in our life in actual life. That is, on the Internet, in your mobile phone, there is a lot of information that is creative, productive, Constructive. Which can give a better direction to your life in actual. So the choice is in your hands what will you do? ..
@Writco @W.Kei1558 @wackadoodle06 @w8steDaze @a_million_dreams @Wrichik @Write3354 @writealanche @Write2384 @Write3354