

Hostess Chapter II
~ The story if fictional only, not real. If you get triggered with blood, murder and things related to those. Please do not read the story and if ever you will, read at your own risk. ~
◇ You have been warned ◇

I would never forget the first man I fell in love with. He is one of the reasons why I'm like this. We were friends ever since elementary, but why... Why would he do such thing to me? But anyways, it doesn't matter anymore. I did what I did - revenge.

He's name was Alex, and we were neighbours when I was living with my grandmother. When I moved to my dad's house, we still chatted since we study in the same school. I've always looked up at him. His brown ashy hair, black gem eyes, thin red lips. He was my dream. A reason why I tried living normal which of course, I regret living normal around him.

I would fake myself, and I would bury the real self with my love for him. From giving him my homework, to almost dying just to save him from a fight in school. At the time, it felt righteous to do such things for the boy I 'love'. But as time passes by, it then felt like I'm continously stabbing myself with a knife that he supposedly deserves. It took me two years to open my eyes. To realize how unfair the world was - how unfair he was. I do so many things for him, for what? For a simple smile? For a conversation that barely lasts long because he always shamelessly gives that "oh I got to go" lie? It was obvious that I loved him so much. Though, I am thankful he never ignored it. Yet I am sad that he had to use my love for his own selfish wants, and crushed my heart as if it was glass needing to be destroyed into tiny shards.

When I opened my eyes to the cruelty I've been in, I plotted my revenge. I would hang out with other boys, but at the same time, flirt with him a lot. I used everything I could to make him fall for me back - or at least be attracted to me. Physical attraction? I allowed that. I don't care if he only wants my body and not me as a whole. Why? Because I already hate every bit of him, inside and out.

I am quite a shameless person. Sadly, he thought he was more shameless than me. It all happened in a lunch break. He had the audacity to kiss a girl in front of me and make her, his girlfriend. I smiled, and smirked at him. He thought I was jealous, and so he laughed. In public, he screamed at me and gave harsh words to me. He was trying to ruin me. His girlfriend? Was laughing with him. Calling me a freak, and a girl that hopes in things that are way too impossible to happen.

I ran. I ran with tears towards the spot I always go to whenever I feel alone. It was a dim corner in some place behind the main school area. The couple was laughing at me. Seconds after I began running, they chased me, to freaking humiliate me more. When I went to my "me spot", I cried. I cried silently yet the amount of tears I cried were countless. The couple laughed at me. But they forgot that that place, was my place. Leaning on a door, I opened it slightly and slowly push a bag in the forbidden room with my right foot. The stupid couple, being too busy laughing at me, did not notice a thing. I suddey opened the door so wide, and shoved both of their heads with me to go in the room.

I threw them across the room, making the girl bleed her head out. I locked the door, and closed the blinds in the room. I was laughing. They felt shocked about the sudden escalation of the occurrence. I pulled out a knife from the bag I brought in the room. I cut my arms, and bleed came out. I was laughing at them. I ran to the boy and stab him as if it was my only chance to do so. I made sure every stab counted. I made sure to stab him back with the knife that was before stabbing me deep inside. I sliced his neck, and ripped his head off. I through the head onto his garbage girlfriend. She was traumatized. The look on her face was funny. I then told her that if she tells anyone about it, then she will definitely be next. "I hope you learned your lesson, sweetie." But of course, I won't let such chance go to waste. And knowing her, I know that she will snitch on me. I waited for her to try reaching for the door. She ran to it, but then I through a stone on her head, making it bleed more and making her freeze for a bit. I ran to her and shoved my arm onto her mouth and did anything I can just to make her feel pain. I punched her eyes, and pulled her hair. I took her and put her in a sack, and tied it. I then put the sack on a big freezer, and locked the freezer. When I knew I was finished with my duty, I went to spend some more time in the room cleaning myself and changing my clothes. I then went out.

How did I escape such horrible thing? I told my dad about it. He then made me move schools, and perhaps paid certain people to keep my case hidden. The moment I told him about what I have done, he grinned at me. "That's my girl."
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