

part one Markel
The day was southern two points of everything you saw was rare. At closing distance I'd say it was lovely. "By your mind ,what do I owe your gratitude." Gertrude, or whatever his name was stood up ,his pointyness today only said that a minute more would actually turn to, mush . There were three streets combining the area ,one said, "that you should not exactly be here, and the other said that time never was, and then there was the third ...and as much as I wanted to go there I couldn't. The minute I woke up that morning ,I knew not only that we were, but maybe that we weren't. The immediacy at the task at hand was to just maybe renown yourself. Closing collactive data at that said, not .Why ....?..the fuck do we have all this unobservable equipment for anyway ?At a closing shot we were not only here ,but also there .I needed a shot !Dr. Grove said, that I would probably have to be taken maybe to urinalysis .His hope was maybe that I was fatigued. But to the best of my knowledge I was maybe just curious. As if thinking could describe better, maybe not.A sociopaths life was maybe to cure you ...but it could also be to disrobe you,you know.Authors alot of the time had that same problem, I was not one of them. Speaking in mind though "who every knew ,you could shed a flame like that" even though I wrote stuff nothing was more endorsible than the signature. And that was always the curable psychosis for me.
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At the time of birth I thought I was better than every one else, well as far as an adult could, you know, with the pyschotropic era and all ..when life maybe was an inadult place and remorials were only a stepping stone to embettering your self .
".. Decisions.. decisions,".. huh? At last when you think you got something and you don't ..mentioning a better start might as well not capture that place that calls your owns yours, and since that immaculate time set can not be different ...then what else do we have ? Second street was better .At the beginning of it you had a single place that was maybe only there to fool you, but maybe not.The relationships with getting places though were the result of the people around you! Who would say a fools reputation was wrong? Leaning this way at that maybe i did, but since nobody else knew who cared. An a..dult inspiration of mine was taking the pieces that we felt and multiplying them you know like fragments of air that only moved when you did.... not saying that pieces were foolish to have but...maybe just indeterminate. Closing radicals were the same no matter how many people suffered you still needed milk you know .But before i go I will still let you guys know what I was working on...and the difference between a true project and a lenient one . Lois Derane Lane as superficial as it was or as unpersonified the calling unequivocal reality thereof ,was never there.. Being mustly or unappreciated too was a place and a resting point that said hi are you or dum da da dum da dum matrimony. Speaking more spliss said," how are you instead ...instead of anything else that's what it, said .Briefly saying more would only say that my fourtune was a reckless in inclusion to one

© Ronald Woods Jr