

My Calling

When I was a kid, all I wanted to do was play freely, have fun with my friends, and explore new things that piqued my attention. When I went to elementary school my answers to my teacher's questions regarding my dreams were all ambiguous. Some people do things simply because they can. I stated that I wanted to become a doctor and save lives, but after seeing how this profession operates, I'm afraid I couldn't. At first, high school was wonderful, attempting new things and interacting with various types of individuals. However, I'm beginning to wonder if a person's actions truly reflect who they are. I came to the realization that the question is for me at that point. Exactly who am I? Am I the only one influencing me? I'm a teenager, so I'm not sure yet. I started searching for my ideal self. But then, who am I really? What is the purpose in life? What's my life's calling? My personality changed after I became aware of the struggle I was going through. I concentrated on the idea that I needed to find employment to meet our requirements. I must be realistic and practical. I have the idea that I cannot pursue the career I want because I must opt for something that will pay well and ensure my family's support. But then I enjoyed reporting in class, speaking in front of the class and sharing the knowledge and information to other people. That's when I discovered who I wanna be and what my life's calling. I want to become a teacher. My career goal is teaching. I am for the salary of course but I'm passionate about this career. I want to pursue this to inspire and help other people. I want to become someone whom I admire when I'm the one sitting in the classroom. I want to grow up to be someone I admire.

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