

faith, trust & hope.
Once, all the villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayers all people gathered but only one boy came with Umbrella._that's faith.

When you toss a baby in the air, he laughs. because he know his father will catch him.
-that's trust.

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up alive in the next morning.But still we set alarm for tomorrow. - that's hope.

Life holds great value in Islamic philosophy. As creatures of God, human beings enter a world where the potential to advance in both spiritual and worldly terms is endless. Humans do not have the authority to appoint the true purpose of their life, as they did not enter this world with their own will nor will they depart with their own will. Simply put, the purpose of life for God’s creation is to find God and lose oneself in Him. This can be accomplished by two means. Firstly, humans must strive to attain absolute moderation in their worldly pursuits and work tirelessly for the service of humanity. And secondly, humans are to use the external and internal limbs bestowed on them to establish an everlasting and sacred attachment to God Almighty.