

The right guy 2
Chapter 5

2 months have passed and Sasha has been working her ass off. She was making good money. She bought her a car two weeks after her first paycheck. She and Chris have been rocking none stop taking everything slow. Sasha pulled up at her apartment. She gets out and sees her mother outside her door.

"Yes, ma?" She asked unlocking her door

"You've not been answering my calls, Sasha," she said

"It's nothing to talk about," she said walking into the house

"Look I know your life was rough and I did some things that weren't right. But I'm still your mother" she said

"I don't have time for this m," she said

"Well, when is the right time heart? I'm trying to fix things" Jackie said

"When you get rid of your abuser," she said

"He's not abusive," Jackie said

"And that's what I'm saying. Believe anything that comes out of this man's mouth. You can go" Sasha said.

Sasha's phone begins to ring seeing it's Chris.

"Hey baby," she said

"You busy?" He asked

"Nope. Come rescue me" she said

"I'll be that way in like 5 minutes," he said hanging up.

"Didn't tell me you had a boyfriend" Jackie said

Gary pulled up outside looking for Jackie. He gets out of the car and walks inside Sasha spot sees them in the living room talking

"OH hell no. You can't knock?" Sasha said

"Knock for what when it's already open. Let's go Jackie" Gary said

"She ain't got to go nowhere with you," Sasha said

Gray was very abusive and manipulated Jackie all the time.

"And I said let's go" Gary yelled

"And like I said she ain't got to go NOWHERE with you. And get the fuck out of my house" Sasha Said

"I ain't going nowhere until she leaves," he said

"You know what I don't care what she does. Yall both can leave' Sasha said getting mad.

Chris pulled up getting out. He walks up to Sasha going back and forth with Gary. Chris walked in.

"You good baby?" He asked

"OH, I'm straight. Now get the fuck out" she said pointing her fingers.

"Sasha watch your mouth," Jackie said

"OH, now you wanna speak. " Sasha said

"LET GO!" Gary said grabbing Jackie by the arm.

Sasha pulled her mother back.

"Don't ever come to my house thinking you can drag her out. I ain't little no more" Sasha said


"Watch your mouth," Chris said

"Nigga who you?" Gary said

"Don't worry about that. Watch your mouth though" he said

"Bye go," Sasha said pushing him out.

Gary left out pissed. Jackie turned around looking at Sasha.

"Sasha," Jackie said

"No ma," Sasha said going to her room

Sasha was over both of them. But she still hated seeing Gary treat her mother like shit.

"I'm sorry," Jackie said

"No need to say sorry to me," Chris said sitting down next to her.

"I'm Chris," he said

"Nice to meet you, Chris. You seem like a good man. " Jackie said

"I'm trying to be. May I say something?" He asked

"Go on the head," she said whipping her face

"My mother was in an abusive relationship too. Growing up it was hard seeing a man treat the woman who gave birth to you wrong. And when you decide to stay with somebody who continues to hurt you, you lose your kids" he said

"I know. I already lost her. But hell I love that man more than anything. I chose him over her and she will never look at me the same. but I'm trying" Jackie said

"If I may be honest. You didn't try Ms. Jackie. You still with that man." Chris said getting up and going to Sasha's room to check on her.

Chris walks in seeing her cry.

"Come here," he said

"I'm sorry," she said

Chris kissed her forehead.

"Sorry, for what baby? You ain't do shit wrong" he said

"I just want to run away sometimes get the fuck away from people who done me wrong," she said

"You can come Stay with me for some days until you get your mind right," he said

They weren't dating. But Chris had strong feelings for Sasha.

"I don't want t.

"Let's go." He said

They walk out seeing Jackie gone

"She went to chase him. I already know" she said

They left out headed to Chris's condo. Sasha's phone begins to ring.

"Who is this?" She answers

"This Gary. Your mother is in the hospital" he said

"What YOU DO?" She yelled

Gary hung up. Sasha began to call her mother but her phone went straight to voicemail

"What's wrong?" Chris asked

"My..  myyy.. Mom" Sasha began to cry.

"Where is she?" Chris asked

Sasha ain't say anything but continued to cry.

"SASHA Where is she?" He yelled


Chris begins to speed to the nearest hospital. Chris pulled out his phone and called the hospital

"I was looking for a patient. Her name is Jackie Smith" he asked

"No Jackie Smith here," the receptionist said

Chris hung up calling the next hospital

"I was looking for a patient. Her name is Jackie Smith" Chris asked

Chris waited a good 5 minutes until the came back on the phone.

"Yes, she's here. Are you family?" The receptionist asked

"I'm with her daughter now. I'll be here shortly" he said hanging up.

"It's going be okay baby," he said

I pulled up to the hospital 30 minutes later. Sasha ran into the hospital asking What room. number her mother in. She ran back to her room seeing her all bruised up.

"MA" Sasha yelled going to her mom.

"I'm okay baby," Jackie said

"What happens? I'm sorry!" Sasha said grabbing her mother's face and looking at all her bruises

"He beat me after I went home. I know I've messed up Sasha. I loved him more than you and I'll never forgive myself for that" Jackie said with tears coming down her face.

"It's okay ma," Sasha said hugging her.

"Where he at?" Chris asked

"I don't know. He left right after he dropped me off. He has a warrant." She said

"MS. Jackie you still married to him?" Chris asked

"Yes I am," she said

"You ready for a divorce?" He asked

Jackie ain't say nothing at first.

"I don't know." She said

"Ms. Jackie. Look at you. You deserve better." He said

"I know. I Know" Jackie said crying.

"It's time momma. You need your life back. And Chris can help with that" Sasha said

"How?" Jackie asked

"He's a lawyer," she said

"Wow. You got yourself a lawyer. I'm happy for you" Jackie said

"Look, Mrs. Jackie. When you ready let me know." Chris said

"I will," Jackie said

Chris's phone begins to ring.

"Need to take this," he said walking out.

"I'm sorry sweetpea," Jackie said

"It's okay. I'm just ready to have my mother back whole. We already lost the cam. I can't lose you too" Sasha said

Chris walked back in

"Hey baby I got to go to the office. You staying?" Chris asked

"Yeah," Sasha said getting up and going towards him.

Chris wrapped his hands around her waist. 

"I'll be back to get you," He said kissing her on the lips.

"Bye Mrs. Jackie," he said waving his hand and leaving out.

"That man makes you smile. Hard!! You made a good choice" Jackie said

"He found me ma," Sasha said smiling

"Then God sent you somebody you finally needed," Jackie said

© Myesha O