

The Terrible Tornado
"This is the weather channel. we have predicted a massive tornado that will start at 12 am. It will last several days. please take shelter in a basement or storm shelter for your own safety." As I turned the TV off my sister started crying. "Are we going to die!" she screamed. "We are not going to die." my mom told her "but we better get moving.

Day 1:
The tornado has started. It does not appear to be very bad at the moment, but I am sure it will get worse.

Day 2:
The tornado has gotten worse. It still is not horrible but I think it will tear our house down. Me and my sister are very scared.

Day 3:
The tornado has teared down our house. We can hear the tornado from a mile away. Yeah, that is how bad it is.

Day 4:
Today is the final day. The tornado is supposed to stop soon. Me and my sister are super excited, although I am scared to see what happened to my town.

The tornado has stopped
we are going to see the mess...it is awful. All of the buildings are destroyed, the cars are all over the place, Heck all most a hole forest got destroyed. The good thing is that us and everyone that lived in the town is safe.
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