

The Determined Boy
Once upon a time there lived a boy named jack in a cold town.He lived playing Basketball. He used to the first one to attend in class. He used to light a fire for heat. One day while lighting a fire there was a huge storm, the wind was blowing the fire here and there his sweat shirt caught fire and he got burnt. He was injured severely, his friends called the ambulance for taking him to the hospital and informed his parents about it. His parents were really sad about what happened. His leg was injured the most. The doctor told the mother your son might never walk again. Jack said to himself I WILL TRY AND I WILL DO IT. The surgeon came into the room and told him the sad news. He told the surgeon to replace his thumb as his toe so he could run. The surgeon heard such heartfelt words and did it immediately, his parents didnt say anything after feeling so proud of Jack. In one week he was discharged and he heard about an international basketball competition, he took part in it and told his team to have faith in themselves. AND SURPRISINGLY THEY WON THE MATCH!