

Tainted (a Fanfiction story based on Game of Thrones Series) 04

Chapter Four: Night's Watch

As Jon heard of the horrible news from Maester Aemon, he went to him and asked him to let him see his girl wildling for the last time.
"Please, Maester Aemon. I need to see Ygrette. I need to see her before they'll burn her to ashes. "
Jon was in his vulnerable state of mind. He was torn between grief for the death of his love and rage for the house Bolton who had mercilessly killed all the freefolks who  settled at far side of the north. He knew, those people were not capable to kill or raid the vast lands of the civilized part of the north since those were only children, women and old wildlings who fled from the wildlings camp.
"There is something I have to tell you, Jon Snow but swear to me first you wouldn't do anything foolish that might be the cause of your own doom."

"Maester Aemon."
Maester Aemon's face were gloomy, though he was blind he could sensed this young man's grief, heartbreak, and most of all, rage when he could not do anything to save his girl wildling Ygrette.
"Your girl wildling, Ygrette... She's with child.. your child, Jon Snow."
Upon hearing those words from Maester Aemon, Jon fell on his knees. He stumbled on the floor, terrible ache, regret and grief were all he felt.
"Why didn't you told me of it beforehand, Maester? Why now?"
There was a great pain in his voice.
"It's for your own sake, Jon Snow. If I had told you of it before Ygrette left, you will be doomed.. Both of you. The rules of Castle black could not be broken and so was of the North. You belong to North of the wall, Jon. You must remember the oath.."

His fists were clinched tightly.
Maester Aemon was right. Yes he belonged to North of the wall, it was his calling. And it's him who threw Ygrette and the freefolks to their own death by bringing them here. He knew, making friends with the freefolks was against the rules of the castle black. But he broke those rules. He broke his oath.
But maybe Tormund was right when he told him he wasn't fit to wear the crow's cloak. Because he was an oathbreaker.
Jon Snow wasn't allowed to see Ygrette so he alone mourns for her and for his unborn child..
But he had sworn to never forget that the Bolton's must pay for what they did as well as the others who were responsible of the wildlings' slaughter.
He had other matters to consider for now.
During those times with the wildlings beyond the wall, he had discovered that his Uncle Benjen was not really killed because of the wildlings' doing.
He was murdered by his own brothers of the night's watch. It was Sir Alliser Thorne and his men. They had fabricated those stories about his uncle who made treaty with the freefolks so they could have had their reason to kill him. He had let Sam to personally brought the letter including the concrete evidence to Lord Commander Mormont and to Maester Aemon's quarters to elude Sir Alliser or his men to notice of the information he had found out. It still needs further investigation before they shall be put to trial.
It was three days past, when Sir Alliser and his men were ordered to report at the Trial Hall. They have been questioned by the higher rank Officers of the night's watch. Both Jon, Lord Commander Mormont, Maester Aemon, Sam and all of the night's watch brothers bared witness at the interrogation. But Sir Alliser and his men denied the accusation.
When interrogation was over, with a heavy heart and the urge for justice, Jon was about to exit from the Trial hall when he came past to Sir Alliser and his men, they both gave him a murderous look.
And Jon had already knew, he'll be next to his Uncle Benjen if he won't take extra precautions. Sir Alliser and his men were the kind of men who would do everything to wipe you off the surface of the earth just because they never favoured you.
"Jon Snow, you traitor of the Northerners. You thought you could escape from your fate being a traitor by accusing us of something we never did. Great shame, poor lad!" Sir Alliser spit on his front before he went past to Jon Snow.
"Even if they would still denied it in front of the night's watch, Jon, the truth about your Uncle Benjen's death would still be revealed. And they even dared accused you of being a traitor when all you did was to save us and those pitiful wildlings from being killed at beyond North of the wall. That was so heartless of them! Well, that was very
Sam said and tapped Jon's shoulder. They followed those other brothers who made their exit from the Trial hall..
Jon arrived at his quarter, saw Ghost, his direwolf laid at the corner behind the door. The beast was peacefully sleeping and it didn't even noticed his presence inside the quarter.
Jon felt peace and calmness with his direwolf near him. It always reminded him of his family and home in Winterfell.
A rushed knock outside his door regained his present thoughts.
"Come in." He said.
"Jon Snow," it was Olly the farm boy. He fled to the Castle Black after some rebels raided his village and killed all of his family. "Maester Aemon had asked me to take you to his quarter. Said, he has an urgent matter to discuss with you in private."
Jon raised his brow of what the boy had said. What of this time did Maester Aemon wanted to discuss with him.? It's almost past midnight. But he had still decided to go with Olly.
"Let's go, Olly." He grabbed his fur cloak  and they both went outside.
"Come on, Jon Snow. Come, this way."
Unaware of the worst thing to come, Jon had followed Olly to the other way far from the original route to Maester Aemon's quarter.
He trusted Olly.
"We're here, Jon Snow."
Olly stated in a trembling voice. Guilt was written all over his face.
Too late for Jon to realize that Olly had just led him to Sir Alliser and his men.
"It's too foolish of you  Jon Snow to believe that Maester Aemon had summoned you at this very hour."
Sir Alliser Thorne had deviously laughed at him and so were the others. But Olly was just standing at the corner, looked terrified.
"Time to say farewell to North of the wall, bastard." One of Sir Alliser Thorne's men had said. Both steel blades were already unsheathed and were tightly gripped woth hands ready to attack Jon Snow.
But a fierce growl had suppressed them from attacking Jon Snow. Ghost was there. The beast had followed Jon Snow's scent, sensing the danger that awaited for his master. Ghost, too, was ready to attack those men who preyed on Jon Snow.

To be continued..... 😉

© melai2020

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