

Tales Of A So-Called-P.A.C.E Girl
Creator: @Kacie470
Part 7
Part Final Part!!
Getting kinda bored with this series now...

Dear Diary,

OMG, guess what? I woke up at 5:14 a.m., even before my mom was awake! As usual my dad was awake already, I think. But let me take a moment to introduce you to Taalib Wilson. He's my crush, I've had a crush on him since I came to this school. Which has been a year! Yes you heard correct one entire year! THIS IS STRAIGHT-UP SO MAJOR CRUSH!! So just like any ordinary girl that has a crush, I've dreamt about him being my boyfriend a lot. But some dreams just don't come true. But latey I've had three missions:

1. Talk to Tamia for two reasons, Tamia is one of my friends as you know.

2. Talk to Kevin MC. so, let me get this straight his name isn't actually Kevin MC. It's just that there's two Kevins in my class so we call one Kevin J, and the other one Kevin MC. Anyways, scince as we're pretty close friends I just wanted to make sure he doesn't know I have a crush on Taalib. Truth be told I kind of like Kevin MC, because the teachers like him, he's pretty athletic, and he's pretty cute...I'm not going to lie. And on top of all of that he's almost exactly like the boy version of me. So yeah, we get along pretty well.

OMG! OMG! AHHHHH! My Mom's alarm to wake her up to wake me up is going off and she will not wake up to turn it off. Anyways back to the list.

3. And finally number 3, the most important of all. You might be saying what's so important about test number 3. Well you see this one is supposed to the most ultimate and awesome task for me. AND the one I'm going to mess up really bad on. Soto keep you out of suspense, the task is that I'm supposed to tell tell Taalib how I feel. That's going to be hard for two reasons. Reason 1 I have tried but I've chicken out a lot of times. 👉👈
And other one is that I have kindergarten helping, which is where I go down to kindergarten at recess and help the teachers with the students. Although it can be a lot at times, I love it! since it's morning and I have school oh, I'm going to go have a bath and be right back. So right now it's about 8:00 am and I'm on the school bus, and basically two of my friends are pranking my other friend that I'm not here cuz I'm so calledly "sick". I might end this, JK NOPE!


So here's a pretty important side note, my teacher sucks. and I'm not supposed to be saying this about teachers, but she's so stupid, and because of that most times I can't stand her. anyways I'm in really big trouble right now and this is why. so during math classes is it was pretty boring, so I decided to take out a book like what's the harm in it. she can't really see it since I'm at the back of the class. OR SO I THOUGHT. Long story short she caught me and say she's going to tell my Dad. 🙄🙄 OK,OK. I KNOW I HAVEN'T YOU BEEN READING IN CLASS BUT COME ON YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO CALL MY DAD. LEAST YOU COULD DO IS GIVE ME DETENTION! I really hope she forgets. 🤞🤞

×××××××××××××××××××OH MY GOD I AM SORRY FOR LEAVING THIS SERIES SO ABRUPTLY, BUT IT WAS GETTING PRETTY BORED OF THE SERIES. SO I WAS LIKE "Why am I still doing this stupid series". So I decided to just tell you... long story short, she did not tell her crush and the teacher did not tell her father. and her school days went on reading Dork Diaries and Humphrey.


© @Kacie-AnnMcDermot