

I think Im done
Hey salvation writing here and I think Im closing down shop.I had so many ideas and I really loved writing but no one cares.I thought my ideas were good but seriouslly I dont have tallent as an author,poet or anything else.So with this last message I say goodbye.Enjoy what I gave but dont expect more.Im closing down shop.Goodbye.

The salvation is gone

but your life goes on

I say goodbye because the rose has died out...No one cares and I dont have motivation ro continue

hopefully some talented writer can make a book I wanted to make

Lets Do Shots

a book about two people in a super hero world who cant die drinking any type of beer taquilla whatever.They fall in love and an stroy eouldve been planned out about them just drinking shots challanging each other for the most shots downed...Sounds stupid now whatever Enjoy what I had to offer but for now unless I have some huge motivation...Im done.

shoutout to the druid who commented on my very first chapter of my very first book...he motivated me to write more but yeah goodbye


© salvation writing