

31st Night ..... (An Exert)
Different thought ran through my head as i hurried down the dark alley, i was scared and excited at the same time, kept thinking i am doing the right thing, what if it felt right to me but it isn’t, the last thing i wanted was to hurt anyone and here i am breaking their trust in me.

I contemplated turning back but i was too far gone to turn back, as i boarded the vehicle, when the driver decided to make a quick pit stop and some passengers were alighting the bus, my heart kept beating fast and my mind running, should i just come down and go back, but the more i wanted to stop, the more i wanted to continue.

So the bus continued and we were on our way, i had paid my fare so there was no turning back. Then my phone rang, it was mark calling, fear gripped me, because how was i going to explain the situation to him as it was a noisy environ, so i hesitated and didn’t pick, he continued calling and i kept ignoring. Soon i got to my stop and came down and picked the call, told him i was on my way to church and he should call back and he obliged me.

I stopped the second bus and continued on my journey and this time i was so excited that it seems the excitement had surpresed the fear and then that was when i saw his call, my dad, my heart started beating again.

I couldn’t pick because the music playing in the background is quite obvious that it isn't a gospel music, which meant i wasn’t in church, so i picked and quickly ended it without saying anything, then waited for him to call back but he didn’t, so i continued, i got there and crossed the road, feeling proud of myself of actually pulling it off but it wasn’t over just yet, arrived at his place and knocked and it was his friends mom at home and she let me in.

I called and he said he was on his way, so i waited and again mark called, i went outside to pick the call and in one day i lied to him again, i went back in and soon jerry came and we left together, but i kept listening to music trying to fathom what I had just done, i lied to dad and mark (the love of my life) about my destination that i was in church whilst here i am with a strange guy on the 31st Night……………………

© Erica Ofure