

The Outbreak (ep3)
The characters, incidents,places in this story are all imaginary it has no connection with real life places or events. It's all only for the purpose of the story.

This is the continuation of previous episode so I recommend you to read that first those who have not read it.


In the lab

My curiosity to know about that disastrous experiment was out of the limit so I asked to Senior Scientist

"Sir, what happened?"

He started coughing.

The virus in his body was so high that he started to show the symptoms after only 5-6 hours of exposure. He was exposed to that much amount of virus at a time. I knew that he has only few hours.

I asked again "Sir , tell me which market do you go I want to stop that spread and I want tell it to everyone"

Hearing this he just raised and said " Hey you this lab is the hardwork of thousands of people and you a Data Scientist (Statistician) is going to destroy it's name by spreading this news ...no way you're not gonna tell this you can stop this ...if you take any action that affects the reputation of this lab ...you will be reported and punished"

Saying this he fell down and he was rushed to hospital by the watchmen of the lab.

But the dialogue he said affected me because it's all gonna over and I can't do anything just see and suffer.

But I want to do something to stop this spread so I decided to make an secret action plan

and we are gonna start from MARKET.