

Call of the moon: Karendale’s fall chapter 1: Fears and callings
Rachael ran as hard as she could, hoping her new form would get her and the princess to safety using her heightened sense of hearing Racheal quickly changed her course and shot to her left sliding in the snow so she could see the beast that was after them. A large golem made of snow and ice had slammed its fist into the ground right where she had been but a moment ago. Rachael watched as the golem had barely straightened itself before it exploded as a large black wolf burst through the chest of the creature causing the golem to fall apart. The wolf slid to a stop in front of Racheal, who could not help but watch in fascination as the crimson tribal markings around its eye began to glow as a large ball of flame formed at the wolf's snout. Racheal felt a shiver run down her spine as the wolf let out a bone-chilling howl that turned the ball of flame into a stream of fire that melted the golems that had began to form out of the snow around them.

Rachael crouched down low and let out as fierce of a growl she could, hoping it did not sound more like the pitiful whine she wanted to let out when the black wolf had ceased it's howling and turned to look at her with its cold hazel blue eyes.

The wolf merely snorted as if amused by her display of aggression before saying in a tone of voice one would associate with someone that was born to lead, " Go! Run skinwalker I will take care of these beasts of snow for as long as I can."

Rachael only had time to nod to the other wolf to show she understood before she was forced to take off again as several more golems began to form. Seeing no other choice Rachael took off again, even as she felt the princess tighten her hold around her neck. Racheal quickly made her way into the woods dodging and hiding from the snow golems that seemed to have trouble forming in the forest as if it two fought to protect her young charge.

Racheal didn't know for how long she ran before she heard the princess exclaimed, "Racheal there across the lake there is a cave we can hide in, and wait for these things to stop appearing."

Racheal looked to where the princess was now pointing and sure enough, there was a cave not too far behind the lake. Racheal used the snow to slide around and slam her hind legs into the nearest tree and used it as a springboard of sorts to avoid losing any momentum running straight at the unfrozen lake somehow knowing it would be alright. As she jumped into the air Racheal could swear that the forest and air filled with magic that pulsed and turned every which way. Reaching out to it and pulling it towards herself hoping that she could do what her instincts were telling her she could do.

Rachel let out a gasp as she was pulled from her sleep by the dream that had plagued her for the past few days. Knowing that it was useless to go back to sleep when she looked out the window to see the rising sun. Rachel got out of bed and quickly splashed water from the basin that stood opposite her bed hoping the chilled water would dispel the last of her sleepiness as she scrubbed her face. Slipping into her dress and apron Rachel let out a hiss of pain and squeezed her emerald green eyes shut as the rough fabric agitated the fresh servants brand that was placed on her a couple of days ago breathing in slow shallow breaths till the sensation had passed. She then scolded herself for being careless how many times had she heard those older than her, complain about it after it was placed on them in the orphanage. Sadly she knew that she would be getting the brand as all orphans did when they were placed as a servant at the age of sixteen if they failed to be adopted or apprenticed by one of the masters in Karendale. This came with both good and bad in Rachel's opinion through the worst of the bad was the brand despite its usefulness due to the fact the bearer of the master brand could make you obey an order even if you didn't want to, they could use it to punish and sometimes kill the bearer of the servant brand with enough magic and a word. Chiding herself for thinking on something she could not change Rachael finished straightening her honey blond locks as much as she could and tied them in a low ponytail that went well with her angular face or so she was told. Feeling that she was going to be as ready as she could get Racheal made her way to the kitchen of the castle where Martha the ancient Stewart and her apprentice Wendy were already hard at work serving out oatmeal, bread and a flagon of warm cider. Martha seeing Racheal walk in and sit down pulled out a jar of salve and slid it across the table to her.

Racheal greedily took from the jar and begin applying a generous amount of the cream over the brand sighing in relief as Martha said with a chuckle, "I knew you be needing that right enough dear always hurts for the first day or two pray you never get sent to a new master these brands always seem to flare back up when that happens just be thankful that ye don't live in ages past use to be branded at birth never get any rest from all the screaming and fussing."

Rolling her eyes Racheal responded with a sarcastic but playful, "Yes it is so much better for those of us that enter in to the service of servant in Karendàle to be branded at the young age of sixteen."

Racheal started on her meal as Martha laughed at her comment and turned back to serving the other servants. She was only about halfway through it when to her surprise Racheal felt the princess call her through the brand speaking out loud she said, "Well the princess is up earlier than normal guess she was excited for the day off from her duties."

This got several chuckles from some of the other servants and a few glares from others that disliked Racheal for one reason or the other. Sliding her half-eaten bowl of oatmeal down to Wendy. The portly girl gave her a look of confusion and Racheal explained, "Knowing Lady Mria I may not get the chance to finish my breakfast due to her excitement, so I figured I would save you the trouble of collecting my bowl."

After leaving the kitchen Racheal felt her brand flare to life and hissed as the thing gave her the feeling of being pinched sharply before fading. Shaking her head at Mria's inpatients Racheal focused on her brand to get the location of the princess before heading toward the girl's quarters at a brisk pace before the girl got it in her head to send the pinching feeling till she got there. When she entered the room Racheal had to duck the pillow that was thrown at her by Mria who exclaimed with a laugh as she jumped on her bed, "You're late! How are we supposed to have fun today if you're not here?"

Racheal picked up the pillow and laughed at her mistress antics before saying, "Well believe it or not Milady your up far earlier than normal in fact I didn't get to finish my breakfast."

Mria gave a horrified expression as Rachel knew the girl prided herself on not making the servants lives miserable. Letting the girl stew for a few minutes longer Racheal let out another laugh and said, "Relax Mrai I wasn't to put out about not finishing breakfast."

At this news, Mria stuck out her tongue now that she knew Rachel was just tormenting her and said, "Good! Maybe you should have eaten quicker then father always says one's time is never their own especially when running a kingdom."

Rachel laughed tossing the pillow back at Mria before replying, "No truer words have been said in all of Karendale."

This is just a small excerpt from my story on wattpad I will be adding more as I go but it will be a weekly thing here if you like the story please join or vote on wattpad my username there is DrWolfington

I am trying to become a paid author on there. If you see any grammar errors point them out and if possible the correction of said error as I do my best but I have very poor grammar skills. #lycan #wolves #fantasy