

The Day She Left
An all American family. She was a teacher. He was ex military. This was her second marriage so the two girls, 9 and 7, were her's from her previous marriage. She would always put them first, never giving reguard to her needs or wants. She went out of her way to be sure her girls didn't worry, and that her husband didn't worry. Everyday she hid from them her struggles. Her stress. She always appeared to have it all together, and her husband and daughters didn't even think about ever asking her what her needs were, or what she may worry about. Her family was so used to her taking care of any and all problems that this never even crossed their minds.
And so for 25 years, day after day, this family went about their lives, taking this woman for granted because they knew no nothing else. The two girls had grown, and the woman had aged, as well as her husband.
September of 2017 this woman celebrated her 54th birthday, and the daughters were grown, but still remained living in their parent's home, and the husband had began to show cognitive decline, this woman still did not ever show any signs of there being anything wrong. And so time rolled on. She finished the school year of 2017-2018 and excitedly welcomed her summer vacation. And so they had a great summer. The woman, her daughter's, her husband and now a few grandchildren, enjoyed days at the beach, amusement park trips, and made great memories. There was no sign or warning that this family would soon be changed forever. August of 2018 the woman began to prepare for another year of teaching, and her family followed her lead in the preparation for the beginning of this new school year. But this year would not be as others have been. Mid September this woman began to fall ill and have frequent trips to the hospital with severe stomach pain. She even spent her 55th birthday this year in the hospital. of course her family didn't worry about her, because they had long been accustomed to the woman handling all things they believed her when she told them she would be better and be home soon. But days went by and after almost a month in and out of the hospital she didn't let on in anyway how serious her illness truly was. She depended on the dependence of her family upon her to hid what was actually taking place. By mid October her beloved teaching career was at jepordy because she could not attend school to do her job. The woman had tremendous stress upon her that her family was clueless of. Late October her oldest daughter was married, and still, in the eyes of the woman's family all was well. Although she was very ill, somehow she was able to hide this from them. But on November 9th, all her efforts to protect her family from any stress as she always did, were washed away in just an instance. Around 5pm this day in November, the woman suddenly suffered cardiac arrest, and despite efforts to save her, she died. Her daughter's and her husband went to the hospital to surprise her with a visit on her that afternoon, but found her room empty. Unaware of what had happened they sat in her room to await her return. After a little while a doctor entered and so naturally her family inquired as to where she had gone and when she would return, the doctor looked at loss for words, for he had no idea the family of the woman had not been notified. In a somber voice the doctor told them the woman had died almost an hour before. In that very instant the husband and daughters of this woman were knocked off their feet and thrust into a reality that had never been a possibility in their minds. They were then asked if they would like to see her body. The sight of which the daughters of the woman were to see proved to be unbearable for them. As they stood by a hospital bed, gazing at their mothers lifeless body, the had no idea the magnitude of this unexpected loss would prove to be too much for the family she had left. The following years were extremely difficult of the daughters and in which changed both of them irreversibly. The feelings of natural grief had also come with the guilt of not realizing and the anger of her not telling them what she was actually not getting better, she had developed an auto immune disorder as well as terrible ulcers on the outer linings of her stomach and rectum that had eventually been the cause of her untimely death. After all the years she spent trying to protect her daughter's from any hurt, worry, or stress, immediately upon her death blew into smithereens when she died. The act of love she displayed trying to protect her family at all costs from stressors actually ended up crippling her daughter's and her husband following her death. To this day, the woman's daughters still struggle with the guilt of not noticing how sick she was. The regrets they will carry for the rest of their lives will take a toll and ultimately the girls will never heal from the unexpected death of their mother. The woman's intent to protect her daughter's, in the end only hurt them more.
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